How To find The Time To Ict Health Care On Twitter

healthcare technology and systems

In today’s digital age, social media platforms like Twitter have become valuable resources for staying informed about healthcare trends and advancements. Twitter allows professionals in the healthcare industry to connect, share knowledge, and engage in discussions about ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in healthcare. In this article, we will explore how you can find the time to leverage Twitter for staying up-to-date with ICT in healthcare.

1. Create a Dedicated Twitter Schedule

Finding time for ICT healthcare discussions on Twitter requires planning. Create a dedicated schedule to allocate specific time slots for engaging with healthcare-related tweets. Set aside a few minutes each day or designate longer periods on specific days of the week to catch up on the latest conversations.

2. Follow Relevant Accounts

Start by following accounts that specialize in ICT healthcare. This can include industry experts, healthcare organizations, technology companies, and influential individuals in the field. Following these accounts ensures that you have a curated feed of relevant content to explore and engage with.

3. Utilize Lists

Twitter’s “Lists” feature allows you to categorize accounts into specific groups. Create a list specifically for ICT healthcare and add relevant accounts to it. This helps you streamline your Twitter feed, making it easier to focus on ICT discussions and updates without getting overwhelmed by unrelated content.

4. Participate in Hashtag Chats

Hashtag chats are organized discussions on Twitter centered around a specific topic. Look for healthcare-related hashtags such as #ICTHealthcare, #HealthTech, or #DigitalHealth. Participating in these chats allows you to engage with other professionals, share insights, and learn from industry leaders.

5. Set Notifications for Key Accounts

To ensure you don’t miss important updates, consider setting up notifications for key accounts in the ICT healthcare space. This way, you’ll receive alerts whenever these accounts tweet, making it easier to stay informed about the latest developments and discussions.

6. Engage in Meaningful Conversations

Don’t just passively consume content on Twitter. Engage in meaningful conversations by responding to tweets, asking questions, and sharing your thoughts. By actively participating, you can build connections, expand your network, and contribute to the ongoing dialogue around ICT in healthcare.

7. Use Twitter Lists Curated by Others

Save time searching for relevant accounts by utilizing Twitter lists curated by others. Many industry experts and organizations create lists specifically focused on healthcare and ICT. Find these lists and follow them to access a wealth of curated content and insights.

8. Leverage Twitter Moments

Twitter Moments feature allows you to explore curated collections of tweets related to specific topics. Look for healthcare-related Moments to discover popular conversations, news, and insights in the ICT healthcare space. Moments can be a great way to catch up on important discussions quickly.

9. Share Valuable Resources

When you come across valuable resources, such as articles, research papers, or reports related to ICT in healthcare, share them with your followers. Sharing valuable content not only helps others in the community but also positions you as a trusted source of information and expertise.

10. Engage with Influencers

Identify influential individuals in the ICT healthcare domain and engage with their tweets. Retweet their content, reply to their questions, and provide insights based on your expertise. Engaging with influencers can help you build connections and expand your reach within the healthcare community.

11. Participate in Twitter Chats

Aside from hashtag chats, Twitter hosts scheduled chats on various healthcare topics. These chats often feature industry experts as moderators and allow participants to discuss specific themes or challenges related to ICT in healthcare. Find relevant Twitter chats and join the conversation to connect with like-minded professionals.

12. Use Advanced Search

Twitter’s advanced search feature allows you to filter tweets based on specific criteria. Use advanced search to find tweets about ICT healthcare from a particular timeframe, location, or specific accounts. This can help you narrow down your search and discover targeted content.

13. Create and Follow Twitter Lists of Events

Stay informed about upcoming conferences, webinars, and healthcare events by creating or following Twitter lists dedicated to these events. Lists can help you keep track of event updates, speakers, and important discussions happening around ICT in healthcare at these events.

14. Use Automation Tools

Consider using automation tools like TweetDeck or Hootsuite to manage your Twitter activities efficiently. These tools allow you to schedule tweets, monitor multiple accounts, and set up custom feeds to keep track of specific conversations and hashtags.

15. Balance Consumption and Interaction

While it’s important to stay informed by consuming ICT healthcare content on Twitter, don’t forget to balance it with active interaction. Allocate time to not only read tweets but also engage, share insights, and contribute to the discussions. A healthy balance between consumption and interaction ensures that you derive maximum value from your Twitter experience.

16. Stay Focused and Avoid Distractions

Twitter can be a vast platform with an abundance of information. It’s easy to get distracted and spend hours scrolling through unrelated content. Stay focused on your purpose of finding ICT healthcare discussions by setting boundaries and avoiding distractions.

17. Stay Open to Learning

Approach Twitter as a learning tool. Embrace the opportunity to learn from experts, discover new perspectives, and stay updated with the latest ICT trends in healthcare. Stay open to new ideas and continuously expand your knowledge through Twitter interactions.

18. Share Personal Insights and Experiences

Don’t hesitate to share your personal insights and experiences related to ICT in healthcare. Your unique perspective can contribute to the ongoing conversations and help others in the community gain new insights or different viewpoints.

19. Connect Outside of Twitter

While Twitter is a fantastic platform for engaging with ICT healthcare discussions, consider connecting with professionals outside of Twitter as well. Explore other social media platforms, join professional networking groups, or attend industry conferences to expand your network and deepen your connections.

20. Stay Consistent and Persistent

Finding time for ICT healthcare discussions on Twitter requires consistency and persistence. Make it a habit to allocate dedicated time slots regularly, engage consistently, and stay persistent in your pursuit of knowledge and connections in the ICT healthcare space.


By following these tips, you can find the time to leverage Twitter for ICT healthcare discussions. Stay committed to staying informed, engaging with the community, and sharing valuable insights. Twitter is a powerful tool that can help you expand your professional network, learn from industry experts, and contribute to the evolving field of ICT in healthcare. Until next time, happy tweeting!